Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas
Seminário Ence
A ENCE tem o prazer de convidar para a palestra: Methods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral Migration
Guy Abel
Vienna Institute of Demography
Dia: 03/08/2015 – segunda-feira
Horário: 16:00-18:00 horas
Local: ENCE – Rua André Cavalcanti, 106 - sala 306 – Bairro de Fátima
Resumo: Bilateral migration flow data allows users to better understand the causes and consequences of population movements. However, bilateral migration flow data is often missing over given periods of time or spatial units. Other forms of migration data and related variables may exist that can allow for the indirect estimation of bilateral flows. In this talk I will outline a few missing data situations and related model based methods to impute bilateral flows with references to their implementation in the migest R package. Examples based on estimating detailed internal migration flows in England and Wales in non-census years and global migration flows between all countries will be given.
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