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Seminário Ence: Providing better workforce preparation through experiential learning classes that promote collaboration and consulting

 Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas

Seminário Ence

A ENCE tem o prazer de convidar para a palestra: Providing better workforce preparation through experiential learning classes that promote collaboration and consulting

John Bailer
Professor e Chefe do Departamento de Estatística da Universidade de Miami Vice presidente do International Statistic Institute

Dia: 23/03/2015 – segunda-feira
Horário: 18:00-19:00 horas
Local: ENCE – Rua André Cavalcanti, 106 - sala 306 – Bairro de Fátima

Resumo: Genuine statistical collaboration and consulting experiences in the curriculum provide service learning opportunities where students can integrate community service into course content. They are also experiential learning opportunities where students engage with direct experience to increase knowledge and develop skills. Finally, these experience can provide a natural capstone to a degree program in statistics.  In this talk, I will describe why these experiences are important, how this was implemented in the past, what are present and evolving practices and reflect on the value of this experience for students. I will provide a context for promoting these experiences based on recent revised guidelines for undergraduate statistics degrees and learning outcomes for masters degrees in statistics. I will illustrate the implementation of these ideas with data practicum and data visualization courses at Miami University.

A participação é aberta e contamos com a participação de todos os professores e alunos da pós-graduação, da especialização e da graduação, assim como de todos os funcionários do IBGE.

Tel.: 2142-4696 - 2142-4691
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Coordenações da Graduação e da Pós-Graduação

Endereço: Rua André Cavalcanti, 106 - Bairro de Fátima - CEP 20231-050 - Rio de Janeiro